About IPOR

About Us

The Institute of Public Opinion and Research (IPOR) is a research organisation that specializes in surveys and Social Science research, advisory and consulting services based in the University Town of Zomba in southern Malawi. We are a leading research organisation in conducting and presenting high quality and trusted data to our clients in opinion surveys, marketing research, advisory and consulting services. Founded in 2014, IPOR is a partnership between two scholars based at Chancellor College, University of Malawi. IPOR is a legally registered organisation by Malawi Government under the Business Names Registration Act (Cap.46:02). It was legally registered on 10 November 2014 to operate in Malawi. IPOR operates from its physical offices on Plot No. ZA 6165 Good Vision Camp Road, Mulunguzi. 
IPOR’s founding partners were motivated by their keenness to contribute to the national development agenda by offering a platform to young women and men of huge intellectual promise to develop into researchers of repute nationally and even beyond. The founders were initially interested in public opinion surveys as the principal remit of IPOR. This was driven by their belief that public opinion surveys help a wide range of stakeholders to diagnose and address issues of public concern by providing accurate, unbiased and statistically sound data. In fact, public opinion surveys uncover views and opinions of local residents on critical issues affecting them thereby generating information that help ensure that policies, programmes and actions reflect public values, interests and needs.
Over the years, however, IPOR’s portfolio has progressively expanded and it includes: Survey design, implementation and data management in a wide range of areas; research and consultancy focusing mainly on governance, development and management; institutional assessments and reviews; programme review and evaluation; political economy; analysis of development and management; social policy and rural livelihoods; gender, youth and development; data management and communication; a variety of short term and professional trainings such as political economy analysis; policy engagement; influence and advocacy; corporate governance and leadership; preparing individuals to become effective research assistants and researchers, and writing winning proposals.


A leading hub for knowledge production and dissemination in relevant policy processes and recognizable for excellence in research, advisory and consulting services in southern Africa and beyond.

Our Mission

To offer high quality advisory services and conduct excellent and independent research designed to produce new knowledge and transformative insights as the basis for innovative and practical policy interventions that promote the well-being of societies, especially in the developing world.

Objectives of IPOR

The overarching objective of IPOR is to promote positive change through the power of ideas by, among other things, identifying, encouraging and aggressively promoting and advocating for evidence-based insights in development programming and policy development through research, advisory services and training.

      The specific objectives of IPOR include the following:

  •   To serve as an informed and independent voice in policy processes through the promotion of sound solutions to national and local policy questions mediated through independent thinking, open debate, reasoned arguments and highest standards of research.
  •    To promote learning in ways that fosters motivation for analytical, creative and critical thinking, and constructive use of skills in practical situations.
  •   To contribute to enhancing national competencies to tackle the challenges of development through short-term professional capacity building interventions among both established and emerging professionals.

Core Values

We strive to set the pace in serving the country through research, consultancy, outreach and policy engagement and influence.

We are committed to designing and providing quality research by adhering to the highest ethical standards and professional best practices and work to exceed the expectations of all our clients and stakeholders.

We pride ourselves as a learning organization committed to providing and promoting a culture of continuous learning for all in order to foster a high level of expertise and provide tools necessary for high performance.

We strive to bring about a welcoming environment in which all individuals can achieve their fullest potential and in which open and respectful communication is facilitated realizing that we are enriched by a multitude of perspectives and experiences.

We encourage innovation, reflective thinking, flexibility and adaptability in our approaches to work in tune with our commitment to providing client-centered services.

We are keen on establishing and developing relationships with policy makers, researchers and other relevant stakeholders both nationally and internationally.

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